Ben Squire
Why I applied
I had been working in several student casual roles throughout my time studying at Birmingham, and I was really interested in finding out more about everything that went on behind the scenes. I knew I wanted to work in a sector which was varied and exciting and made a positive impact on wider society. I loved studying at university and it seemed like a good way to help other people also have a great experience! I was excited about the opportunity to try out lots of different parts of Professional Services and get a sense of what I enjoyed early on in my career, setting me up to progress quickly in a field I was interested in.
There are so many! Some standouts for me are: accepting the first application from a school I have identified and built a relationship with to one of the University’s outreach programmes, knowing I was responsible for helping that student, and many others, access opportunities in Higher Education; running the first session of the Birmingham Professional Early Careers Network, a group that I devised and created in collaboration with my fellow Graduate Trainees and; supporting the University activity at the 2022 Commonwealth Games, welcoming visitors from all over the world to our campus.
One of the biggest challenges that I’ve learnt to love whilst on the scheme is how to deal with uncertainty. We’re very fortunate to be trusted with some high-profile projects from day one, which has helped me develop so quickly, but it is also very daunting to have a big project with no idea where to start and no clear measure of success. Over the past 18 months, I have grown to love taking ownership of these projects and defining my own parameters, and my confidence in my ability to do this correctly has grown exponentially.
We’re very fortunate to be trusted with some high-profile projects from day one, which has helped me develop so quickly.
Outreach (September to December 2021)
Outreach (September to December 2021)
Identifying and building relationships with suitable partner schools nationally, visiting schools to bring students into our access programmes, identifying and proposing adjustments to our Access and Participation strategy plan, and supporting the day-to-day activities of the department, including developing and delivering a series of webinars for parents and carers.
Academic Services (Jan to April 2022)
Academic Services (Jan to April 2022)
Supporting the delivery of the Enhanced Curriculum Framework, conducting a University-wide consultation on the Student Academic Experience, and redrafting University Legislation and Codes Of Practice.
Campus Services (May to August 2022)
Campus Services (May to August 2022)
Identifying office relocation solutions for 180 staff as part of a major University redevelopment project and supporting the delivery of the Commonwealth Games on campus.
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (September 2022 to Present)
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (September 2022 to Present)
Facilitating the delivery of a long-term action plan responding to an internal review, supporting the creation and embedding of the College’s Vision and Values, and strategic planning for the Jinan-Birmingham Joint Institute in China.
Outside of my placements, I am project managing the Birmingham Professional Awards, an annual awards ceremony for c.200 guests, and the founder and Chair of the Birmingham Professional Early Careers Network.