Robyn Macpherson
Why I applied
I applied for the scheme because I knew that I wanted to work in the Higher Education Sector, but was unclear on what would be the right area for me. The Graduate Management Trainee Scheme gave me the opportunity to learn about the different areas within the University, whilst also gaining lots of experience, so I could choose the right path for me when the scheme ended.
I have loved so many things about being on the scheme, especially the amount of support on offer, whether this be from mentoring, coaching, peer-networks, or elsewhere; I’ve found this to be really valuable.
Make sure you schedule evenings to rest during the first couple of weeks of any placement!
For the first year of the scheme, you start a new placement every four months, which sounds longer than it feels! I would say that one of the challenges (as well as one of the most exciting things) about the scheme, is starting afresh every four months and getting to know a new team and a new function of the University. Top tip: make sure you schedule evenings to rest during the first couple of weeks of any placement!
Programme Framework for the Future
Programme Framework for the Future
Working with academic colleagues to support the transition to a new programme infrastructure, running a Task and Finish Group to progress decision-making, and leading focus groups to gain insights from prospective and current students.
Estates: Sustainability
Estates: Sustainability
Undertaking research into SDG reporting in Higher Education and supporting the development of a student-led Sustainability Champions Programme.
Birmingham Plastics Network: Policy Commission Development
Birmingham Plastics Network: Policy Commission Development
Developing a clear plan and proposal for the delivery of a Policy Commission on sustainable plastics, including the development of a Call to Action Report.
Research Strategy and Services Division (RSSD): Research Culture
Research Strategy and Services Division (RSSD): Research Culture
Supporting the RSSD in projects developing research culture, both within the division and within the academic community
Additional Responsibilities
Additional Responsibilities
- Secretary for the University’s Sustainability Steering Group
- Panel Secretary for the Vice-Chancellor’s Integrated Review for Campus Services