Events on campus

There is always lots happening on campus. Find events you can join in as a student to meet new people and discover campus.

Guild of Students events

Explore the Guild's upcoming events and activities, designed to help you make the most of university life

Programme induction

Your programme will arrange induction (orientation) sessions as you begin your studies with us. Check your student email regularly for updates and important information.

Study Abroad and Exchange students

If you are an incoming Study Abroad and Exchanges student (including Erasmus), check your student email  for information from the Study Abroad and Exchanges team about your Orientation Briefing session, and for updates from the College you will be studying in.

Foundation and Presessional students

Foundation and presessional students will receive information about your induction sessions from the Birmingham International Academy (BIA). Check your student email for important updates.

Find out about the BIA

Postgraduate Research students

The University Graduate School hosts a range of events for postgraduate research students (PGRs), including monthly welcome and induction sessions.

Explore postgraduate events

Also in 'New students'