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Spring into Life with the Sound of the Dawn Chorus

Visitors to Winterbourne Botanic Garden will be able to enjoy the dawn chorus in the height of spring, when the garden hosts a guided dawn chorus walk on May 14. The event at the University of Birmingham's Botanic Garden will help celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Visitors to Winterbourne Botanic Garden will be able to enjoy the dawn chorus in the height of spring, when the garden hosts a guided dawn chorus walk on May 14. The event at the University of Birmingham's Botanic Garden will help celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day.

The two hour walk, with an expert guide from the West Midlands’ Bird Club, offers visitors the chance to hear some of our best loved garden birds in full song. The dawn chorus is one of the first indications that summer is here as male songbirds sing to attract a mate or to protect their territory from other males.

The woodland, which surrounds the more formal gardens at Winterbourne, attracts a wide range of bird species, many of which are noted singers.

Visitors can expect to enjoy the musical trills of blackbirds, song thrushes, great tits and chiffchaffs, as well as every gardener’s friend, the robin. There is also the chance of seeing some more unusual species including willow warbler, greater spotted woodpecker and blackcap.

Visitors will need to make an early start to catch the dawn chorus, so the event starts at 4am and is expected to finish by 6am. The walk will be followed by tea and toast, served in the Gardeners Mess Room.

Alison Darby, the Garden’s Curator said: "Winterbourne has many mature trees and is surrounded by a nature reserve so there are some excellent areas of woodland around the garden. Although most visitors come to enjoy the flowers and plants, the wildlife is an important part of what makes urban gardens like Winterbourne special.

Along with the blossom, the profusion of birdsong is one of the best indicators that summer is on its way and early mornings are the best time to enjoy the full effect."

The two hour Dawn Chorus Walk runs from 4am – 6am on Sunday May 14th. Entrance costs £3.50 for adults, Children under 16, free of charge. For tickets call 0121 414 3832

 For further media information please contact Ben Hill, Press Officer at the University of Birmingham on 0121 414 5134 or mobile 07789 921163