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Mirror Images, Antimatter, and Time Reversal

The 12th Patrick Moore lecture on Thursday 4th December 2008 will be given by Professor Peter Kalmus, who has carried out experiments at particle accelerators in the UK, USA, Germany and at CERN.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The 12th Patrick Moore lecture on Thursday 4th December 2008 will be given by Professor Peter Kalmus, who has carried out experiments at particle accelerators in the UK, USA, Germany and at CERN. 

Professor Kalmus will discuss how symmetry is important in the physical world, antimatter and the direction of time.

Professor Kalmus received the Rutherford Medal for his contributions to the discovery of the W and Z particles, which provided the experimental evidence that electromagnetism and the weak interaction were aspects of the same force.  He has also received the Kelvin Medal, and the European Physical Society Outreach Prize. 

The talk starts at 7.30pm and takes place in the School of Physics and Astronomy in the Poynting building’s Large Lecture Theatre. 


Notes to Editors

This series of talks is funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council and is organised by the School of Physics and Astronomy and the University’s Astronomical Society, Astrosoc.  For further information visit

After the talk there will be an opportunity to view the sky with telescopes with Astrosoc members.