Mar 2010: Renate Gleixner won first prize for the best talk at the 21st SCI Postgraduate Symposium (Northern Division) on Novel Organic Chemistry held in Manchester.
Dec 2009: At the RSC Solid State Group Annual meeting, two of our students won prizes for oral presentations: Colin Slater (supervisor AJW) was awarded the Roy Prize and Ian Evans (supervisor PAA) the Lenton Furnaces Prize for the best student talk.
Oct 2009: Advanced materials could save lives. Preventing biological attacks and stopping cancer spreading are among the possible life-saving outcomes of advanced materials research at Birmingham. Click here for full story.
Sep 2009: Lexi Pope from the Hannon group won a poster prize (one of 3) at the 10th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry (ISABC) attended by 300 participants in Debrecen, Hungary (
Sep 2009: Nicola Rogers, our top MSCi student last year, has won the national Science, Engineering and Technology Chemist of the Year Award 2009. Congratulations!
Sep 2009: Antonio Feula, a PhD student in Dr John Fossey's group, wins a prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry poster prize at CASE-09 held at East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai.
Sep 2009: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Antonio Feteira who has joined the school as the AWM / Science City Research Fellow in Materials Chemistry.
July 2009: At the recent UK-Japan joint CSCS symposium held in Birmingham, Renate Gleixner from the Cox group won a poster prize sponsored by the RSC journal Organic and Biomolecular chemistry. RSC news.
Feb 2009: Chemistry Welcomes 3 new members of staff. Dr. Peter Slater, Dr. Anna Peacock and Dr. Josephine Bunch have all joined the department this term to strengthen the research in materials, chemical biology and imaging.
Jan 2009: RSC Hot Topic: UK scientists, including John Fossey of Birmingham, have made sugar-detecting spherical gels inspired by aquatic creatures
Dec 2008: Birmingham chosen to Host Programme Encouraging Students to Study Science. The National Higher Education Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Programme is an initiative to increase the number of graduates with skills in these disciplines to fulfil the needs of employers and boost the UK economy.
Dec 2008: In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, all of our research outputs were internationally recognised, with the majority being classed as internationally excellent or world-leading.
Spring 2008: Challinor Prize for Dr McCabe
Summer 2008: School of Chemistry Leads a New Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training Centre for Imaging
Summer 2007: Dr. Jim Tucker awarded the Bob Hay Lectureship 2007