Whilst opportunities do exist in small firms, graduates should not be naive about the effort required to search for and secure work at this time. Supply does exceed demand so there is a definite need for graduates to be proactive if they are to succeed, particularly if they have to compete with the jobless cohort of 2009. However, degrees are of definite value to small firm managers and, if graduates are to be granted the opportunity to prove their worth they must take time to reflect on the attributes and competencies, both academic and extra circular that make them marketable to employers. Beyond Careers Services, graduates can also find help and support via initiatives such as Graduate Advantage, that act as an invaluable gatekeeper for graduates considering a placement in a small to medium sized enterprise in the West Midlands. The power of a placement cannot be underestimated; as the study shows, work experience provides a fantastic opportunity to not only try out a potential career but to also develop those essential "employability" skills demanded by recruiters in addition to a degree.