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Statement regarding current protest on campus

10:00, 24 Nov 2010. A University of Birmingham spokesperson said: "There are currently around 40 people protesting outside the entrance and in the reception of the Aston Webb building. Students and staff have a right to protest peacefully, however the safety of our campus community must be our main priority.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building


A University of Birmingham spokesperson said:

“There are currently around 40 people protesting outside the entrance and in the reception of the Aston Webb building. Students and staff have a right to protest peacefully, however the safety of our campus community must be our main priority.

“The police are working with our security team to ensure the safety of about 20 people protesting on a balcony. Apart from a very small number of services in the immediate vicinity of the protest our campus will continue to operate as usual.

“The university continues to work closely with our Guild of Students during what is a challenging time for all in higher education.”