Dr Rachel Wright, Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham’s School of Psychology, said: “An uneven walk can lead to a greater risk of a fall, and once someone has suffered a fall they can be fearful of falling again. This can prevent people from participating in activities that they once enjoyed because they are so worried about falling over.
“Through this research we hope to look at how the use of a metronome can help to regulate a stroke patient’s walk and help them to achieve symmetry.”
“This is a three-year project funded by The Stroke Association,” said Dr Wright. “We hope that the results will be used to design a home-based exercise programme which stroke survivors can use as part of their rehabilitation.”
Dr Wright is currently looking for stroke survivors to assist in the research and would like to hear from anyone in the Worcester area who is willing to take part. For more information call 01905 857523 or email r.wright.1@bham.ac.uk