Rabbi Tann Memorial Report
Prof. Levine is the major US Jewish New Testament scholar and addressed a packed lecture theatre on 2nd June 2011 for the annual Rabbi Tann Memorial Lecture
Prof. Levine is the major US Jewish New Testament scholar and addressed a packed lecture theatre on 2nd June 2011 for the annual Rabbi Tann Memorial Lecture
Prof. Levine is the major US Jewish New Testament scholar and addressed a packed lecture theatre made up of a wonderfully multi generational audience ranging from first year theology students to postgraduates and staff of the University as well as many members of various faith communities from across the city. In addition to being a scholar of the highest calibre Prof. Levine is also equally at home as a speaker in a predominantly Christian environment - such as the Vanderbilt Divinity School where she teaches – the Jewish environment she comes from all the way to inmates of the Nashville High Security Prison where she delivers classes.
Her lecture on the essential need for both Jews and Christians to understand Jesus’ first century Jewish background was academically rigorous as well as incredibly accessible. Everyone in the room felt better for having heard her and we hope to have her back to Birmingham before long!