New materials from porous solids and solid state gas storage (Anderson), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Britton), MALDI Mass spectrometry imaging (Bunch), Asymmetric synthesis and chemical biology (Cox), Catalysis and synthesis (Davies), Dielectric materials (Feteira), Organic chemistry (Fossey & Grainger), Functional materials derived from minerals (Greaves), Metal-based anti-cancer drugs and DNA recognition (Hannon), Surface electrochemistry and spectroscopy (Horswell), Ion-diffraction materials and powder diffraction studies (Hriljac), Computational Nanoscience (Johnston), De novo design of metallopeptides (Peacock), Photophysics in nanoscience and biomolecular chemistry (Pikramenou), Nano scale Labs (Preece), Physical chemistry (Rayment), New hybrid porous materials and clusters (Shannon), Target-directed synthesis and development of new tools for organic chemistry (Simpkins), Solid state materials (Slater), Structural studies in the organic solid state (Tremayne), Supramolecular chemistry (Tucker), Quantum molecular dynamics (Worth), Phosphates; from biomaterials to pigments (Wright).