My view, however, is that the High Street will survive, just not in exactly its present form, and we should sit back and let it move on without too much interference. People still want to go shopping, they enjoy seeing and feeling goods, the social experience of shopping with friends, trying different clothes on, stopping for a coffee, and many want to support local enterprise anyway. The backlash against large firms such as Amazon and Starbucks does reveal some real concern about the ethics of certain big businesses. People complain about the High Street having too many charity shops but I think we need more, not less, at a time of austerity and climate change when we should be reducing our consumption where possible, and where we should be looking for ways to help those less well off. The High Street will move on and reinvent itself in the face of the competition and the economic environment, just don’t expect it to look the same as it did 10 years earlier.