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British Conference on Undergraduate Research

Charlotte Flint gives a paper on 'The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood and their Contemporaries'

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

A report from undergraduate Charlotte Flint:

'Held at the University of Warwick, I have just attended the second British Conference of Undergraduate Research presenting the research I worked on with Professor Matthew Rampley and Dr Kate Ince as part of an Undergraduate Research Scholarship held over the summer vacation.

This conference has been a fantastic experience and allowed me to present my research to a number of other undergraduates who have also undertaken similar projects in a wide range of disciplines. My research was on the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood, the German Nazarenes and the French artist Louis Janmot ahead of a future exhibition to be held at the Barber Institute in 2015-16.

I would definitely recommend both the opportunity to undertake one of the research scholarships on offer and the chance to participate in the BCUR. Not only did I meet a great deal of interesting people undertaking undergraduate research but I also learnt groundbreaking things about different subjects of which I previously had no knowledge. I cannot recommend it highly enough.'