Members of the International Greek New Testament Project also based at ITSEE have been collaborating with Cambridge University Library on an electronic transcription of Codex Bezae, their famous Greek-Latin bilingual manuscript of parts of the New Testament.

Photo of book

The full transcription was published online yesterday as part of a new release of material featuring Christian works on the Cambridge University Digital Library. The Greek pages were developed from transcriptions kindly provided by the Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung in Münster; the Latin text used material created between 2002 and 2005 by the Verbum Project at the University of Birmingham as well as fresh transcriptions contributed by Ann Conway Jones, Samuel Gibson, Christina Kreinecker and Hugh Houghton.

The raw XML of the transcriptions is available for download from UBIRA (the University of Birmingham Institutional Research Archive): for the Greek  and for the Latin. A description of the XML encoding guidelines followed (conforming to TEI P5) is also available online.