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IME Railway Challenge

News item about the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Railway Challenge.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is organising a railway challenge. The aim of the challenge is for teams, formed of university students or apprentices in the rail industry, to design, build, and operate a 1:5 scale railway locomotive running on 10¼” gauge track. The locomotive must meet certain criteria, and will compete against other designs in a series of challenges, including traction performance, ride comfort, and reuse of recovered energy from braking.

The university’s Birmingham Centre for Railway Research & Education is participating in the railway challenge with a multi disciplinary team from Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; and Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering. The design will incorporate a hybrid traction systems powered by a novel fuel. The competition will take place at the Stapleford Miniature Railway at the end of June.