Heather is globally recognised as a discipline-shaper in the field of Global Ethics. She is one of the editors of the Journal of Global Ethics   and, with Nigel Dower, co-editor of The Edinburgh Series in Global Ethics (Edinburgh University Press). As well as Global Ethics: An Introduction she has written the following papers on global ethics:

  • ‘Global Ethics: An Overview’ in Encyclopaedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, volume 2ed. Ruth Chadwick San Diego: Academic Press; 2012. pp. 514–522.
  •  ‘Is Global Ethics Moral Neo-colonialism? An investigation of the issue in the context of bioethics’, Bioethics, 2007, 21, 6, pp. 305-315
  • ‘Interview with Noam Chomsky: Global ethics, American foreign policy and the academic as activist’, Journal of Global Ethics 2005, 1, 2, pp. 197-205
  •  ‘Global Population and Global Justice: Equitable Distribution of Resources Among Countries’. With Peter West-Oram in eLS 2011, John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester, 2012 www.els.net/ [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0024140]
  •  ‘Why and what global ethics?’ in Ethics in an Era of Globalisation Continuum Books edited by Wim M.S. Ronald Commers, Wim Vandekerckhove and An Verlinden Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, pp. 95-112
  • ‘Global Ethics: Foundations and Methodologies’in Global Ethics and Civil Society, edited by John Eade and Darren O’Byrne Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. pp. 74-88
  • For a full list of Heather's publications go to her staff page