Professor Jim Orford appeared on the Channel 4 Dispatches TV programme which finally appeared, after some postponements, on the evening of August 6. The programme was about one of Jim's favourite research topics, gambling, and particularly focused on what are now called Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs). These have appeared in high street betting shops in the last 10 years and are now recognised to be particularly addictive. That is probably because, unlike other slot machines, they allow people to play casino type games like roulette, and, also unlike other machines, people can bet up to £100 a time and lose literally thousands in half an hour or so. They are now the single most profitable form of British gambling and the industry is keen to have as many of them as possible. Because present regulations allow no more than four FOBTs in any one betting shop, it looks as if this is leading to a proliferation of betting shops in certain high streets, particularly in poorer urban areas. MPs like Harriet Harman are starting to ask questions about this.