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School of Psychology welcomes Professors Kim Shapiro and Jane Raymond

We are delighted to welcome two new members of the school. Professor Kim Shapiro and Professor Jane Raymond join us this month from the University of Bangor.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

We are delighted to welcome two new members of the school. Professor Kim Shapiro (pictured right) and Professor Jane Raymond (pictured left) join us this month from the University of Bangor.

Kim Shapiro

Kim's primary research interests are in attention over time and in working memory. He is particularly concerned with temporal aspects of attention, centred around the 'attentional blink' paradigm, and he is interested in understanding the neural basis of the attentional blink using functional imaging, ERPs and MEG. He also has interests in working memory and has shown that working memory capacity can be dramatically increased by appropriate sequencing of the encoding stimuli.

Jane Raymond

Jane's interests also include the attentional blink - they published the original work on this together - and she has interests in high-level visual perception with an emphasis on the effects of emotion and motivation on spatial and temporal attention; on social-affective perception including face processing; on visual attention in the marketplace and advertising; and on the psychology of visual art. She uses behavioural methods, eye tracking, EEG and fMRI.