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SDO Joint Commissioning Project

HSMC's SDO-funded Joint Commissioning project is now in the reporting stage following 2 years of research aimed at better understanding the processes, practices and outcomes of joint commissioning.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

HSMC's SDO-funded Joint Commissioning Project is now in the reporting stage following 2 years of research aiming to better understand the processes, practices and outcomes of joint commissioning. The research answers longstanding calls to better understand the workings and outcomes of joint commissioning.

The research is particularly concerned with examining whether any distinction might be made between joint commissioning and more general collaborative endeavours. The research has involved over 180 staff and service users/carers across five case study sites, that each exemplify a different type of joint commissioning, with the aim of better understanding how joint commissioning is being implemented across the country and the difference these arrangements have made to service user and carer outcomes.

Phase 1 was based on a unique online survey known as POETQ, which aimed to surface the range of different meanings associated with joint commissioning. Phase 2 then checked out these meanings with staff and service users from across the five sites and analysed what sorts of impacts joint commissioning has had locally.

The report is expected to be published at the end of 2012.

Helen Dickinson, HSMC

Helen Dickinson