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Seven new Distinguished Research Professors in Philosophy

The Philosophy department is appointing seven new Distinguished Research Professors.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

As a part of its quality-driven expansion to become one of the foremost Philosophy departments in the UK for research, the Philosophy department at Birmingham is appointing seven new Distinguished Research Professors from amongst the best philosophers of the world.

The new Distinguished Research Professors will be:

  • Paul Boghossian (NYU)
  • Hartry Field (NYU)
  • Kit Fine (NYU)
  • Alison M. Jaggar (University of Colorado at Boulder)
  • Stephen Neale (CUNY)
  • Susanna Siegel (Harvard)
  • Ralph Wedwood (USC)

These appointments are initially for three years with the expectation of renewal. The new Distinguished Professors will be fully involved in the life of our Philosophy department here at Birmingham for at least four weeks a year. They will present and discuss their research in a number of seminars and supervise doctoral students together with our permanent staff. In addition, we will organise a number of workshops and colloquia focusing on their work. The new Distinguished Research Professors will ensure that the Philosophy department at Birmingham is one of the most exciting places for philosophers.