Talent Management in the NHS Managerial Workforce
HSMC academics are part of the team that recently published a report on Talent Management in the NHS managerial workforce.
HSMC academics are part of the team that recently published a report on Talent Management in the NHS managerial workforce.
HSMC's Professor Martin Powell and Dr Joan Durose are part of the team that recently published a report on Talent Management in the NHS Managerial Workforce. In 2004 Talent Management was introduced into the NHS. Although Talent Management was already undertaken a more systematic approach may contribute to the three main leadership problems of the NHS: recruiting and retaining Chief Executives; a more diverse or inclusive leadership or an 'NHS of all the talents'; and benefits in terms of organisational performance, as organisations can achieve competitive advantage through people.
The aims of study were to :
Read the full report: National Institute for Health Research website