Though the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR inadvertently called the continuing existence, purpose and focus of Russian and East European Area Studies into question, the CREES 50th Anniversary Conference assured me that this field is not only alive, but is also thriving and needless to say, brimming with new scholarship and talent. Moreover, from this conference I gained insight into the fact that the specialist knowledge acquired through Russian and East European Area Studies is particularly valuable in our contemporary era, as it encourages a comprehensive understanding of the multiple processes of internationalization, which originate on a local level. Therefore, Russian and East European Area Studies is applicable to a much larger region than its name suggests, and judging from the groundbreaking research presented at this conference, it is well placed to continue doing so. In addition, as a guest of Cumberland Lodge I was encouraged to visit the Royal Chapel, where I caught a rare glimpse of the Queen herself.