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Alumni Giving helps Puzzle-based Learning in STEM subjects

Alumni Impact Fund news from the School of Chemical Engineering and Mathematics

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

In 2012, Chris Sangwin and Matthew Badger in Mathematics, Colin Thomas in Chemical Engineering and a colleague from the University of Manchester wrote a Guide to Puzzle-based Learning in STEM Subjects. This was published by the University of Birmingham and made freely available through the Higher Education Academy (HEA) website. The Guide shows how puzzles might be a useful tool in the teaching of mathematics in physical sciences, engineering and mathematics, and possible in other disciplines. It was based on practical experiences of the authors, with input from colleagues from all over the UK who attended a HEA funded workshop on this topic.

There are forty-eight selected puzzles, from the very simple to the very difficult, with solutions, variants and commentary. An interesting and fairly typical example is:

Diagonals of two faces of a cube meet at a vertex of the cube. What is the angle between the diagonals?

This can be solved using geometry or vectors (useful mathematics) but there is also a very nice lateral thinking solution (that can found in the printed Guide and on the HEA website mentioned above). That many of the puzzles have two or more solution methods was a key point in their selection; the purpose of Puzzle-based Learning is to encourage students to think rather than rely on rote learning.

Thanks to the generosity of the Circles of Influence Alumni Impact Fund in 2013, it has been possible to distribute printed copies of the Guide to all teaching staff in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS). It is expected this will influence teaching in EPS in a potentially very enjoyable way for both staff and students. Also funded was the printing of booklets of the puzzles to be given to all first year students in the College next term.

In addition, a puzzle-based activity for first year students during Welcome Week is under discussion and a workshop on Puzzle-based Learning specifically for EPS staff to be arranged in the Autumn Term and University-wide for February, under the auspices of the Centre for Learning and Academic Development. The intention is to turn this into a self-sustaining activity that will make EPS a leader in Puzzle-based Learning in STEM.

This exploitation of the initial work that went into the Guide would not have been possible without funding from the Circles of Influence Alumni Impact Fund.

Please visit the Alumni Impact Fund webpages for information on the other projects funded over the last five years and to see how you might join us in supporting these immediate and impactful projects.