The Bramall Music Building won a Civic Trust Award on Saturday 9 March at the prize giving in Cardiff.
Reasons for the award
"The extremely successful addition of this new extension effectively completes the scheme as it was originally designed. The extension, while sympathetic to the original design, has been carefully simplified to present itself clearly as a modern addition. Materials have been carefully sourced to match those used in the original buildings, whilst the high quality construction methods have been brought up to modern standards and requirements. The auditorium has been designed to accommodate as many uses as possible by using clever methods of easily adjusting the seating provision/layout, the stage format and the acoustics. This will enable the auditorium to be used for a multitude of public and private events, bringing the local community more into contact with the University and providing a good source for raising revenue in the future. Overall this is a very successful and architecturally pleasing building, a welcome addition to the University Campus that demonstrates a high standard of universal design."