A consortium led by MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism (Professors Angela Creese and Adrian Blackledge), University of Birmingham, has been awarded a Large Grant as part of the AHRC Translating Cultures theme. The 4-year research project, Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse Wards in Four UK Cities, is a collaboration between four UK universities. The interdisciplinary research programme will develop new understandings of multilingual interaction in cities in the UK, and communicate these to policy-makers and communities locally, nationally, and internationally. The award is £1,973,527. The research project will run from 2014 - 2018. The role of Dr Caroline Tagg, from the Department of English, is to coordinate across the four cities the investigation of participants’ use of social media as a crucial part of their multilingual practices.