Isabelle Taylor (Drama, 2nd year)
Heartbreak Productions internship, Summer 2013
Heartbreak Productions internship, Summer 2013
"I applied for the internship with Heartbreak as I have a passion for theatre and wanted to gain more skills in the sector. I also specifically wanted to work with Heartbreak as they are such a unique company and I was very interested in their education department. The application process was really straightforward; I just had to email my CV and covering letter and I was then invited to interview.
"During my internship I’ve mainly been assisting the summer touring productions (Alice in Wonderland; Romeo & Juliet; and Dracula) by creating props; liaising with the press; talking to venues to resolve ticket sale issues and working towards solutions. Working with professionals in a professional environment has been a really great experience. It’s nice to know what I’m doing has an impact and has meaning. I’ve built up confidence in an area I didn't know I had any real flair for, which has been a very nice surprise and has really boosted my confidence! It was hard having such a random schedule and being in different places at different times (although it was completely understandable with the pattern of productions as it was). This meant that there were a lot of relationships to build and manage throughout my time at Heartbreak but I felt I did this well.
"The internship has really enabled me to hone my existing skill set and now theatre marketing is an option for when I’ve graduated as I’ve really enjoyed the experience. A degree is never enough (especially an arts degree) so doing as much extra-curricular activity as you can to widen and improve your skill set is so important. It’s so easy not to do an internship as you need to put a lot of time and effort into it, and a lot of placements are very competitive, so if you do get one it shows an employer that you have initiative."
"Izzy is a shining example of clarity and tenacity. She is very diplomatic and can always get the answer she is looking for, so she’s been a great example to all of us!" Maddy, Heartbreak Productions