The latest issue of the Medical Law Review features significant contributions from three academic members of the Centre for Health Law, Science, and Policy at Birmingham Law School.

  • Professor Marie Fox writes on the topic of public health and social justice.
  • Dr. Rosie Harding’s paper draws on research carried out as part of her British Academy funded study entitled “Duties to Care: A socio-legal exploration of caring for people with dementia’’.
  • Sheelagh McGuinness, a Birmingham Fellow based in the Centre, discusses the evolution of abortion for reasons of foetal abnormality in English law.

The diversity of the topics highlight the range of research activities being undertaken in the Centre. The Medical Law Review is the leading journal in the area of health law, and it is a significant coup for the University of Birmingham that three of the four major articles are by academics teaching and researching here.

Learn more:

  • Table of contents: Medical Law Review Volume 21 Issue 2 Spring 2013