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Noor M. Butt

Preston Professor of Nano Science & Technology & Chairman, Preston Institute of Nano Science & Technology, Pakistan, PhD Physics (1969); DSc Physics (1993)


Preston Professor of Nano Science & Technology & Chairman, Preston Institute of Nano Science & Technology, Pakistan 
PhD Physics (1969); DSc Physics (1993)

Professor Dr. Noor M. Butt did his M. Sc Physics (1957) from Government College, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan and his Ph.D (Nuclear/Solid State 1965) and D.Sc (Physics, 1993) from the University of Birmingham, U.K. His classical work (1963) with O’Connor established the confirmation of Waller’s theory (1923) of phonons at the Bragg diffraction peaks using diffraction of Mossbauer gamma-rays from LiF single crystals which has been extensively cited for several decades and printed in several books including those of Cambridge University Press (U.K.) and North Holland Publishers. His research interests are:

  • Crystal Diffraction studies using Mossbauer gamma-rays.
  • Neutron Diffraction and Scattering from Solids.
  • Research Reactor Utilization
  • Correlation of Micro-Macro properties of crystalline materials.
  • Nanotechnology.

He has published over 165 research papers in journals, conferences and reports in the above-mentioned areas. Professor Butt has lectured and presented Research Papers in conferences in over 32 countries in the East and West. He is on the Editorial Boards of several National and International Journals ( including J.Nanoparticle Research, JNR ,M/S Springer Verlag, Germany, 2008—todate and J.Nano Education,JNE, USA) and Member of Governing Bodies and Technical Committees of several organizations/Universities. He is Visiting/Honorary Professor at a few Universities in Pakistan.

On the basis of his work on “Structure Properties of Cubic Crystals” the University of Birmingham conferred on him the degree of D.Sc (1993).

Dr. Butt is Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and the Islamic Academy of Sciences and has been President of a few Professional Societies of Pakistan. He is the First Joint Winner of International Kharazmi Award(KIA), Iran(1995). He was elected Hon. Member of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF). The WIF has world known Scientific and Engineering Professionals as its elected Members including about 90 Nobel Laureates.

He retired in 1996 as Chief Scientist/ Director General of PINSTECH, Pakistan’s premier research Institute and he was the first to be given the position of Scientist Emeritus (Life-title) of PAEC in view of his outstanding services to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).Dr Butt has worked as Lecturer in Government College Lahore(1958-1961) and then worked for Atomic Energy Commission(1966-1996) at its premier research Institute at PINSTECH in various capacities and finally retired as Chief Scientist/Director General of PINSTECH which had over 2000 employees including over 400 professionals. Dr Butt worked as Chairman of Pakistan Science Foundation(2005-2008), the national body responsible for propagation of science and research at the universities and vresearch institutions in Pakistan.

Dr Butt is the initiator of Nanotechnology in Pakistan. He worked as the Chairman of the National Commission on Nano Science and Technology ,NCNST (2003-2008), Ministry of Science and Technology and as a result , several laboratories in Pakistan are now engaged in Nanotechnology in Pakistan. He has delivered about 86 lectures on Nanotechnology at home and abroad over the last 15 years.

Dr Butt has been Invited by IDB and ISESCO supported seminars in Egypt on Nanotechnology( January 2012 )and Brain Drain Problems of OIC countries.

Currently Dr Butt is the Chairman and Preston Professor at the Preston Institute of Nano Science and Technology (PINSAT) of the Preston University, Islamabad.
This is first Institute in Pakistan to initiate BS(4yr) degree in Nanotechnology in line with the emerging S global scenario.