Not only is a placement a chance to earn money, but you will be learning at the same time, not just about your specific subject area, but you’ll also be gaining experience that can only be gained in the workplace. This may seem basic, but learning skills such as taking meeting minutes, writing reports, writing formally to any party concerned with the work, and, not forgetting, how to make a good cup of tea, are priceless. I’ve personally gained experience in areas that are more personal to me; for example gaining confidence in the work that I produce as it has been recognised by people from the industry, who have both practical and academic experience. There will be more on my experiences and those of others in different industries in a future article to demonstrate that, if you’ve got a good placement making tea, it shouldn’t be your entire job role. It is, however, a good opportunity to build the foundations for a good relationship with your colleagues. Tea is often an icebreaker topic which can ease an introduction to co-workers, and it is often this very British subject, where many people can find common ground. Don’t worry if you’re not British though, you will learn many things about the strange fascination with Tea!