Policy Commission on the Distribution of Wealth
Policy Commission on the Distribution of Wealth to hold two public debates in May.
Policy Commission on the Distribution of Wealth to hold two public debates in May.
We know far more about the extent and nature of wealth inequality in Britain than ever before (for example as a result of the Wealth and Assets Survey), but there has still been relatively little debate about why wealth inequality might be a problem (independent of income inequality), and what might be done about it. The University of Birmingham has recently established a Policy Commission on the Distribution of Wealth to facilitate such debate.
We have put together a summary of the 'key facts' on the distribution of wealth.
We have also identified a range of questions to gather further evidence.
If you would like to submit any evidence in response to any of our questions, please contact Karen Rowlingson, k.rowlingson@bham.ac.uk by the end of March.
We are planning to hold two public debates in May to discuss some of our findings. The first will be in Birmingham on Saturday 11 May and the second will be in London on Thursday 16 May. Further details will be available soon.
The Commission's key findings will be launched in October.
If you have any questions about the Commission, please contact Karen Rowlingson, k.rowlingson@bham.ac.uk.
See Birmingham Policy Commissions for further details on the commission's work.