Professor Rhodri Ceredig is the new Director of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES). The Centre, at the National University of Ireland in Galway, is an interdisciplinary research centre which brings together scientists, engineers, information technologists, and clinicians. NCBES combines the skills of these persons to take on challenging research problems and provide interdisciplinary training programmes. There are nearly 400 members, including academic staff, full-time researchers and post-graduate students. The overall aim is to provide new therapeutic solutions to un-met medical needs. Challenges include cardiovascular disease, orthopaedics, reproductive medicine, and cancer.

Rhodri has also been involved in reviewing a competition between primary and secondary schools in Galway to make a science video. You can view the Secondary School ReelLife Science winners at:  

You can read all about the Primary School videos in a feature article about the videos in the The, and at: