Researcher's dedication to charity events earns special recognition
A Birmingham cancer researcher has received a special commendation from Cancer Research UK in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the cause.
A Birmingham cancer researcher has received a special commendation from Cancer Research UK in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the cause.
A Birmingham cancer researcher has received a special commendation from Cancer Research UK in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the cause.
Beckie Port, a PhD student at the University of Birmingham, was shortlisted in the charity’s annual Flame of Hope Awards which acknowledge remarkable efforts in fundraising and volunteering made by people from all walks of life.
She won a special commendation in the category ‘Research Engagement Award’, for her passion and enthusiasm in communicating about cancer research to charity supporters and members of the public in the West Midlands.
Beckie was nominated for the fantastic support she has given to Cancer Research UK whilst studying for her PhD, which is funded by the charity. Beckie has regularly hosted lab visits and spoken to groups of both adults and children about cancer research taking place in Birmingham, passing on her knowledge and enthusiasm to others.
Debbie Ringham, Cancer Research UK Research Engagement Manager for Birmingham, awarded Beckie with her Flame of Hope special commendation at a presentation at the University of Birmingham on 7th June, along with Prof Malcolm Taylor, Deputy Director of the Birmingham Cancer Research UK Centre.
Beckie Port said: “I think it’s important for scientists like me to invest time in communicating about our research to the public, and it’s great to know that Cancer Research UK values this. I’m privileged to have been nominated, and really pleased to have received this special commendation from the charity.”
Debbie Ringham, Cancer Research UK Research Engagement Manager, said: “Every step we make towards beating cancer relies on every pound, every hour and every person. These awards are our way of honouring incredible people like Beckie who are helping us to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
“Beckie has really helped to bring our research in Birmingham to life by giving talks, hosting visits in her laboratory and supporting our local events. Her dedication and passion is clear to see, and hopefully inspires people across the West Midlands to keep on supporting us.”