Spalding and John Hick Bursary in Philosophy of Religion
Bursary available to work on a project to study professional archives that John Hick and his family donated to the University.
Bursary available to work on a project to study professional archives that John Hick and his family donated to the University.
Thanks to generous support from the Spalding Trust and John Hick's family, a bursary of £3,000 is available for a student pursuing a PhD in Philosophy of Religion to work on a short-term project to study professional archives that John Hick and his family donated to the University.
The student who is awarded the bursary will work with Dr David Cheetham and Professor Yujin Nagasawa over one year.
All PhD applicants in related areas will be considered for this bursary; all shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview early on in the academic year.
Prospective candidates may contact Professor Yujin Nagasawa at for further details.