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Teaching award

Jussi Suikkanen from Philosophy wins Head of School's award in teaching excellence at the School of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Jussi Suikkanen from Philosophy wins Head of School's award in teaching excellence at the School of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion.

This award was handed out by Provost and Vice-Principal Professor Michael Sheppard at the University's teaching awards dinner on Monday 24 July. Suikkanen was awarded for his determination to enhance the student experience and deliver high quality teaching, informed by his research, yet accessible and inspirational to students. His friendly and committed approach to both his subject and the students in his care is clearly recognised by those students as well as his colleagues in the Department and the School as a whole.

The help he has offered us has greatly improved our abilities in the subject by developing our writing and research skills, and we feel much more confident in our overall abilities.