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The Twenty-first Century Public Servant

Researchers Catherine Needham, Catherine Mangan and Helen Dickinson, will be carrying out research on the 'Twenty-first Century public servant'.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Researchers Catherine Needham, Catherine Mangan and Helen Dickinson, will be carrying out ESRC funded research on the 'Twenty-first Century public servant'.

The project is a Knowledge Exchange project run in partnership with Birmingham City Council. It considers how far people working to deliver public services across public, private and third sectors are getting support to develop the skills that they need. The Birmingham Policy Commission on The Future of Local Public Services, which reported in 2011, found that new sets of skills were needed to equip people working in public services to be storytellers, navigators, systems architects and resource weavers, alongside more traditional skills.

The project will start in August and run for a year. At the end of it, there will be an online repository of research materials to stimulate new approaches to skills acquisition across public services.

For more information about this research, please contact Catherine Needham,