Women's voices in Classics today
Dr Elena Theodorakopoulos interviews women writers for open-access online journal Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies
Dr Elena Theodorakopoulos interviews women writers for open-access online journal Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies
With funding provided by a British Academy Small Research Grant, CAHA's Dr Elena Theodorakopoulos and her colleague at the University of Exeter, Dr Fiona Cox, conducted interviews with ten women authors in the UK, USA, France and Germany on the role of classical literature and mythology in their work. The interviews are now published and available as a special issue of the open-access online journal Practitioners’ Voices in Classical Reception Studies. Dr Theodorakopolous describes the project:
Talking in such depth to such a variety of creative and inspiring authors about their reading, translations, and creative re-workings of classical texts has been a great way to remind ourselves that classics is very much a living discipline today. I am very grateful to the British Academy for making this possible.
This work is part of an ongoing project exploring the impact of women’s writing in contemporary receptions of classical literature and mythology. Elena Theodorakopoulos is also one of the guest editors of a recent issue of Classical Receptions Journal on the topic of Women’s writing and translation. See also the OUP blog on the topic.