However, my fondest memories are of Elisabeth Koutaisoff, very clever and an absolutely lovely person. She was something of a mother hen fussing over her chicks (us students), and she seemed to single me out for special attention. At the end of my first year I failed a couple of exams - I said I wasn't academically distinguished - and, knowing that I had to resit them on our return from Russia, she made it her mission to take me under her wing and fill me with knowledge, mainly by taking me round museums and other educational establishments. This, of course, was to me like taking medicine, so towards the end of our time in Moscow she sugared the pill by treating me, plus Doug and Jenny, to tea followed by a visit to the circus. And what an experience that was... The highlight was two lights going round the ring in opposite directions in total darkness to the sound of engines; when the lights came up, there were a pair of bears on motorbikes, which touched noses as they passed each other! Bears on motorbikes just can't be topped.