The annual meeting of the Irish Cytometry Society took place in Dublin, Ireland from 25th to 26th of February 2014. Irene Calvo and Andreia Ribeiro, PhD students with the Marie Curie FP7 ITN DECIDE, attended the meeting. Each presented a poster about their studies of mesenchymal stromal cells. Andreia’s poster was entitled “Development of a flow cytometry-based potency assay for the immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stromal cells”. Irene’s poster was entitled “Hypoxia enhances the radio-resistence of mouse mesenchymal stromal cells”. Irene’s poster won the second prize of the poster presentations. It is delightful to see two posters from DECIDE at the meeting, and congratulations to Irene on winning the poster prize.

Andreia and Irene and Posters at the Irish Cytometry Society Meeting, Dublin