BUCES Update, July 2014
The Birmingham University Chemical Engineering Society (BUCES) has had a very busy year. Read more about what they've been up to.
The Birmingham University Chemical Engineering Society (BUCES) has had a very busy year. Read more about what they've been up to.
Now that the committee handover has occurred we thought it would be a great time to tell you a little about what BUCES has planned for the coming academic year. The major new idea focuses around industrial representative. It is hoped that in addition to the great number of leading engineering firms BUCES has already forged excellent relationships with, a larger number of smaller and more local firms can be targeted since they can often provide a greater variety of placement opportunities to second year or non-penultimate year students.
In return these smaller companies get access to the valuable talent pool that the Birmingham Chemical Engineering department has to offer. It is hoped that these smaller companies will not only engage in flagship events such as the industrial dinner but also in smaller more intimate Q&A sessions within the department.
June saw the launch of the EPS Societies’ Awards, a new initiative by the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences to celebrate the hard work of its student societies. We had an excellent night with BUCES members winning 3 awards: outgoing President Katie Aiston won Inspirational Committee Member, Charity Rep James Girling won Volunteer of the Year and Industrial Rep James Barlow won the Industrial Award. Very deserving winners – congratulations!
On the day of results being released the Chemical Engineering department hosted their annual BBQ for staff and students. As always the event represented a great chance for staff and students to mingle and discuss matters both academic and social. Fortunately the weather was fantastic on the day and the drinks provided a welcome source of refreshment. Overall the event was a brilliant way to end the academic year and to celebrate a fantastic set of results, long may it continue!