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BUMS Update - November 2014


It's been a busy start to the year for the Birmingham University Materials Society (BUMS). The 2014/15 committee tell us more:

With the start of the new academic year, this is your first update from a brand new BUMS committee!  Elections were held in May, allowing the old and new committees to work together for the final few months of last academic year.

This year we have continued the tradition of two presidential positions, with these being filled by Oliver Saville (third year Sports and Materials Science) and Deborah Harris (third year Mechanical and Materials Engineering).  Our Treasurer is Amanda Field (third year Materials Engineering), our Social Secretaries are Carmel Greenwood and Emma Russell (third year Materials Engineering), our Careers Representative is Josh Miller (third year Materials Engineering) and our Sports Reps are Georgia Mills (netball, third year Sports and Materials Science) and Joe Whitworth (football, third year Sports and Materials Science).

As a society, we’ve started the year with a massive push towards expanding and including even more into our year.  The society now has three aspects – socials, sport and careers, with each aspect represented on the committee.

Our first socials have been brilliant successes – over eighty came to our annual ‘I <3 BUMS’ event, followed just over a week later by thirty-five making the most of the opportunity to fire lasers at each other as BUMS went to laser quest.

We have introduced a mentor scheme for the first time, where students from older years can volunteer to be mentors for the incoming first years – this was divided on a course basis, with the aim of two mentors for around five freshers, so that the new students could get to know others within the department, feel more comfortable attending BUMS events and use the advice and knowledge of their mentors to help them settle in.

The annual Metallurgy and Materials Careers Event was also a fantastic success; bigger and better than ever before.  This is always a highlight for the students, alumni and companies who attend and we are extremely grateful to everyone who gave up their time to make this event a success.

We also had our first industrial visit on 29 October, arranged with the help of the IOM^3 Young Members Committee.  Fifteen students were able to visit Victrex, a polymer-based company, at their site in Lancashire and really enjoyed their day.

We’re already looking towards the rest of the year and have a lot that we want to achieve, and we will update you all as we go along!
