Professor Chris Baker was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme about the Dawlish train route that was demolished during storms (10.3.14)
Dr Nick Hawes wrote an article for City A.M. which discussed a robotic renaissance and what this means for the future of the robotics industry and robotic technology. The article was repeated on Yahoo! Finance UK & Ireland (10.3.14)
Professor Bill Chaplin and his research into the sounds made by the Sun were featured in an episode of The Sky at Night on BBC 4 discussing surface vibrations on the Sun and how Helioseismology is used to detect how sound is effected by what it travels through (9.3.14)
The Centre for Railway Research and Professor Chris Baker appeared on BBC The Sunday Politics Show (West Midlands) featuring the railways expertise and talent at the University of Birmingham as part of a wider piece about the HS2 training college. The BBC website also featured a piece. 2.3.14