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First workshop of the GVC in Europe Network hosted in the Business School

On 14 - 15 November, the GVC Research Cluster hosted the first of the 'GVC in Europe Network' at the Birmingham Business School. The workshop was an opportunity to continue a scholarly exchange on themes related to Global Value Chains in the European context.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

On 14 - 15 November, the GVC Research Cluster hosted the first of the 'GVC in Europe Network' at the Birmingham Business School. The workshop was an opportunity to continue a scholarly exchange that started in Chicago at SASE 2014 on themes related to Global Value Chains in the European context. 

GVC in Europe Network workshop

The workshop was organised into two sections: one focusing on leading scholars presenting their latest thinking on GVC studies, the relevant methods and useful frameworks; and the other as a working groups’ session to identify initiatives for joint research.  The workshop led to the commitment to kick off a H2020-RISE bid. The event was organised by Dr. Paulina Ramirez, Dr. Giulio Buciuni and Dr. Lisa De Propris.