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GVC in July

Mini-conferences and paper presentations at SASE International Conference in Chicago 2014 and the GVC track at the European Academy of Management.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

July 2014 was a busy month for the GVC Research Cluster. Activities that took place included:

  • Mini-conferences at SASE International Conference in Chicago 2014 (the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) on Multi-Level Institutions and the Changing Global-Local Dynamics of Production in a Context of Crisis” convened by Lisa De Propris, Christina Niforou, and Paulina Ramirez and on “Young People, Precarious Work and Trade Unionism” convened by Andy Hodder.

  • GVC track at EURAM 2014 (the European Academy of Management) on “Responsible Management in Global Value Chains” convened by Pamela Robinson.

  • Lisa De Propris presented a paper at SASE International Conference in Chicago in July 2014 on “Manufacturing Reshoring and its Limits: the UK Automotive Case.”