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HSMC Annual Health Policy Lecture

The seventh HSMC Annual Health Policy Lecture will be held at Medical School, University of Birmingham on Wednesday 25th June at 6.15pm. After a very difficult year in 2013 and in a challenging policy and financial context, the NHS has recently appointed a new Chief Executive of NHS England and is heading towards a 2015 general election. Against this background, the health policy lecture is entitled: 'What does the future hold for the NHS?'

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The seventh HSMC Annual Health Policy Lecture will be held at Medical School, University of Birmingham on Wednesday 25th June at 6.15pm.

After a very difficult year in 2013 and in a challenging policy and financial context, the NHS has recently appointed a new Chief Executive of NHS England and is heading towards a 2015 general election.  Against this background, the health policy lecture is entitled: ‘What does the future hold for the NHS?’

This year, we’re incorporating the health policy lecture into the European Health Management Association’s annual conference (which HSMC is hosting at the University).  The conference -“Leadership in healthcare: from bedside to board” - brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners from across Europe to discuss some of the key issues related to healthcare leadership. We are delighted that delegates from the conference will be able to join us for this special occasion, and the lecture this year will be a much bigger, more public event than in previous years (where it has been more of a Chatham House style seminar).

Given a different focus, the ‘lecture’ will take the form of a Question Time-style debate with four panellists: David Behan (Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission), Lord Victor Adebowale (Chief Executive of Turning Point), Jacqui Smith (Chair of University Hospitals Birmingham and former Cabinet Minister) and Michele Paduano (regional health correspondent for the BBC).

For more information and to register, please click here