Accredited by the Royal College of Practitioners, this programme targeted at GP Mental Health Commissioning Leads - in the West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England - started in October 2014.  Twenty-eight GPs and two commissioning colleagues are currently taking part in the programme, which is being delivered in Cambridge and Birmingham. The programme has been designed in response to a survey of the GP’s learning needs and the challenges that they face in ensuring mental health is on a par with physical health. The programme provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their own leadership capability, hear about the latest developments in mental health from field experts, learn the technical skills of commissioning and apply this learning to their work context through undertaking a relevant project in their CCG.

Probably the most valuable aspect of the programme is the opportunity for the GPs to network with each other, to share and reflect on the challenges of mental health commissioning, potential solutions and promising innovations to improve the mental health of their local population. The programme is funded by NHS England and is actively supported by Dr Geraldine Strathdee, the National Clinical Director for Mental Health, and the Strategic Clinical Networks in the West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England. 

Further information is available from Dr Karen Newbigging,Programme Director, on

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