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Louise Dixon: Prisons research featured in ESRC's Britain in 2014 magazine

Research being undertaken by Dominique Moran and Marie Hutton at GEES, and Louise Dixon in Psychology, has been chosen to feature in the ESRC's flagship newsstand magazine Britain in 2014.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Research being undertaken by Louise Dixon in Psychology and Dominique Moran and Marie Hutton in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, has been chosen to feature in the ESRC's flagship newsstand magazine Britain in 2014.

The magazine showcases the breadth of research that ESRC funds, through 132 pages of news, opinions and features from academics, journalists and opinion-formers. It covers a range of social science issues considered important for the public, politicians, policymakers and the media.This issue's main feature examines the major changes in British society since the start of the First World War, and it includes a section on this UB research into the relationship between prison visitation and recidivism. The magazine is currently on sale at WHSmith, M&S, Waterstones and Boots, and back issues are available on the ESRC's website.