PhD students from Italy visit the GVC Research Cluster
Doctoral research students from Ancona and Florence will be working with Lisa De Propris in the GVC Research Cluster to further their research projects.
Doctoral research students from Ancona and Florence will be working with Lisa De Propris in the GVC Research Cluster to further their research projects.
The GVC Research Cluster welcomed PhD students from Italy to work on comparative research projects.
Dimitri Storai is visiting the GVC Research Cluster from September to December 2014. Dimitri is a PhD student from Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona (Italy) and will work with Lisa De Propris on a comparative analysis of industrial districts in Italy and UK, in particular at exploring the impact of localisation and agglomeration on firms’ performance.
Erica Santini is visiting the GVC Research Cluster from September 2014 to March 2015. Erica is a PhD student from the University of Florence and will work with Lisa De Propris on learning and change in local industrial districts to avoid lock-in; she will compare Prato textile local system with the Potteries in the UK.