The Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security, in conjunction with the Centre for Global Ethics, organised this timely panel discussion of the ongoing crisis in Syria.

Over the last three years, more than 100,000 Syrians have been killed and nearly half of the population have fled their homes.  International response to the crisis has been characterized by inconsistent and irregular response, with shifting aims, tactics, and alliances in responding to the crisis.  There are currently no credible prospects for peace in the near term and many analysts expect the war to continue for many years.  In these circumstances, and having committed to the Responsibility to Protect doctrine to prevent, respond to, and rebuild from mass atrocities, what, if anything, should the international community do to respond to the widespread and severe human suffering?

Leading academics and human rights activists convened a panel to discuss the ethics of responding to the crisis in Syria.     

Chair: Professor Heather Widdows (Department of Philosophy)   


  • Dr Aidan Hehir (University of Westminster, London)   
  • Professor Scott Lucas (Department of Political Science and International Studies)   
  • Miss Rouba Mhaissen (Founder and Director, SAWA Development & Aid)   
  • Dr Scott Wisor (Deputy Director, Centre for the Study of Global Ethics)

Recorded: Monday 08 December 2014

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