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Podcast: Hobbes's Dilemma and the Liberal Quest for World Order

A joint POLSIS/ICCS distinguished lecture given by one of the world's leading experts on international relations. Chair: Dr Tim Haughton (POLSIS/CREES), Speaker: Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University), Discussant: Professor Nicholas Wheeler (ICCS, University of Birmingham).

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Chair: Dr Tim Haughton (POLSIS/CREES)   

Speaker: Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University)

Discussant: Professor Nicholas Wheeler (ICCS, University of Birmingham).   

A joint POLSIS/ICCS distinguished lecture given by one of the world's leading experts on international relations.

Robert O. Keohane is Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University. He is the author of After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (1984) and Power and Governance in a Partially lobalized World (2002). He is co-author (with Joseph S. Nye, Jr.) of Power and Interdependence(third edition 2001), and (with Gary King and Sidney Verba) of Designing Social Inquiry (1994). He has served as the editor of the journal International Organization and as president of the International Studies Association and the American Political Science Association. He won the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, 1989, and the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, 2005. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the National Academy of Sciences. He has received honorary degrees from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Science Po in Paris, and is the Harold Lasswell Fellow (2007-08) of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.   

POLSIS hosts a number of seminars throughout the autumn term which focuses on a number of different topics. The seminars are open to everyone. view the full list of the POLSIS Seminar Series 2014-15.

See more Seminars in the ICCS seminar series.