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School of Civil Engineering opportunities for involvement

Engineering is all about applying solutions to diverse problems. Reinforcing our teaching, industrial interaction gives a student the opportunity to experience real-life problems, and you an opportunity to sample from some of the best students in the UK. Can you help us build a better experience for our students?

Indust Opp2

Engineering is all about applying solutions to diverse problems. Reinforcing our teaching, industrial interaction gives a student the opportunity to experience real-life problems, and a company an opportunity to sample from some of the best students in the UK. There are many ways you could get involved to help us build a better experience for our students:

Undergraduate sponsorship scheme, RESPECT

RESPECT is an initiative which helps companies to recruit undergraduate Civil Engineering students for summer and year in industry placements. Recruitment can be on a one-off basis or with a view to structured training and development for graduate employment. It offers participating companies a cost-effective one-stop shop for recruitment.

Recruitment involves participation in a careers fair, shortlisting applicants, taking part in an interview day, and finally making your choice of preferred candidates.

Summer/year placements

For companies not wishing or unable to take part in RESPECT, all student placements are still very welcome. Simply contact us to discuss the opportunity you have, how you wish to receive applications and we will make sure this is communicated with the students.

Industrial experience placements

The School offers two types of industrial experience module, which can count towards students’ degrees. The Industrial Project module comprises a minimum 10-week summer placement and counts towards the subsequent 3rd or 4th year of study. We also offer a year placement, of minimum 45 weeks, where the student’s degree includes the title of with Industrial Year. Both options are highly sought-after and offer a company a valuable opportunity to try a student before graduation.

Site visits

Our curriculum and enhancement programmes, many arranged by students themselves, include regular site visits and all invitations are welcome. Visits are welcome for any numbers, with/without PPE but, ideally, including the engineering and context of the project.

Distinguished Beale Lecture Series

We offer an annual series of extra-curricular lectures, the Beale Lectures, to which all undergraduate and postgraduate MSc and PhD students are invited. Such events are well-received by the students, for making contact and for enhancing their learning. Lectures are welcome on subjects covering recent projects, outlining a new design or construction initiative, and any topics which will enhance and enrich the students’ experience.

Careers Events

Birmingham boasts one of the largest careers services in the UK and therefore one of the most comprehensive ranges of opportunities to reach students and potential graduates. The University’s Careers Network organises careers events for engineering recruiters in October, November and February each year. For information on these, please contact Richard Newman, Careers Consultant, on

For more information and to become involved, please contact Jenny Illingsworth, Industrial Liaison Manager, School of Civil Engineering, on 0121 414 4165 or via email on